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World Missions Visa Card to Support Evangelism Efforts

Tuesday, 03 April 2007,

People using their credit cards for purchases can feel better about
their spending with the introduction of a new card that supports
mission efforts in poor countries.

The World Missions Visa Card allows purchases to be turned into
financial support for world mission efforts.
Announced Monday by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the
World Missions Visa Card will take a small percentage of everyday
purchases and send the money to support Catholic Church programs in
more than 1,150 mission dioceses in the world’s most destitute

“Throughout the Missions, whether it’s at a Catholic orphanage or a
rural health clinic, or through outreach to children or adults with
HIV/AIDS, Propagation of the Faith support sustains local priests,
Sisters and Brothers, and lay catechists who offer concrete help – and
hold out the hope of our Lord – to the poor,” explained Monsignor John
E. Kozar, national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the
United States, in a statement. “With this credit card, Catholics here
in our country can be part of our work – in effect missionaries here
at home through their prayers and this financial assistance.”

The card is offered through Washington Mutual, the bank that
co-developed the system with Follieri Capital, which provides
financial products and services to Roman Catholic Church organizations
in the United States.

With the card, one percent of all purchases will be donated to the
Propagation of Faith, which they would use to support the church’s
evangelizing mission in more than 120 countries throughout Asia,
Africa, the Pacific Islands and Latin America. It would also help
support educational and healthcare efforts. More than 90 percent of
the gathered funds by the Propagation of Faith go directly towards
mission efforts, according to the group.

“We are very grateful to Washington Mutual and Follieri Capital for
introducing this unique opportunity to help the Missions,” added
Kozar. “We encourage participation in this program whose donations
will support the Church’s worldwide mission to bring help and hope to
the suffering and the poor.”

To advertise the card, more than a million U.S. Catholics will be
contacted by a direct-mail campaign as well as advertisements in
several Catholic newspapers. Promoters hope to expand their effort in
the months to come.

According to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, “Just $10
generated from this program can buy clothing for 10 Catholic school
children in the Sudan for a year; $4 buys enough food for one week for
a kindergarten program in the Missions where children learn the basics
and discover, through the service of local Sisters, the love of

Besides aiding Catholic mission efforts, World Mission Visa
cardholders also have many benefits, including full platinum
privileges, coupons, online payment options, zero fraud liability, and
no annual fee

source: Christian Post, April 3, 2007

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