Is this how we respect Buddhism in Sri Lanka?
Is this how we respect Buddhism in Sri Lanka? source link:Thursday, June 12, 2008 Police have seized from a shop in Kurunegala 11 pairs of foreign-made shoes with the Buddhist…
Is this how we respect Buddhism in Sri Lanka? source link:Thursday, June 12, 2008 Police have seized from a shop in Kurunegala 11 pairs of foreign-made shoes with the Buddhist…
ඕල්කොට් බෞද්ධයෝ, වියුක්ත බෞද්ධයෝ සහ සිංහල බෞද්ධයෝ ඕල්කොට් බෞද්ධයෝ කවුද? ඕල්කොට් බෞද්ධයෝ යන යෙදුම අපි නිතර භාවිතා කරමු. සැබැවින්ම ඕල් කොට් බෞද්ධයෝ යනු කවුද? අප වටහා ගන්නා ආකාරයට නම් ඕල්…
ප්රාන්ත පොලිසියක්, සෘජුවම විදේශ ආධාර ඇතුළු ඉල්ලීම් 46 ක් දෙමළ සන්ධානයෙන් රජයට අන්තර්පාලන යෝජනාවක්! කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරිය source link: උතුර නැගෙනහිර පළාත් සභා ප්රාන්ත පොලිස් සේවාවක් ස්ථාපිත කිරීම, විදේශ ආධාර සෘජුවම…
අපේ අවුරුද්ද තව දින කිහිපයකින් තවත් අවුරුද්දක් උදාවනු ඇත. ඒ සූර්යයා මීන රාශියේ සිට මේෂ රාශියට සංක්රමණය වීමත් සමගය. සූර්යයා පෘථිවිය වටා චලනය වීමේ දී දළ වශයෙන් දින 365 1/4…
Quest for international Sympathy- Religious susceptibilities, the latest ploy of the LTTE By Kalayani Diyasena source link: LTTE’s big brain Mr. P. Amman is apparently toying with another method to…
Buddhist Monasteries, Buddhist Monks Facing danger in many ways by National Buddhist Authority Buddhist Monasteries, Buddhist Monks Facing danger in many ways, unknown peoples killing them secretly and few of…
Myth of Prince Diyasena source link: From yetis to unicorns, man’s enthusiasm for myths is undying: by Sajitha Prematunge [email protected] Statue of Prince Diyasena ‘Apage Diyasen Kumara wenuwen meduru thenewa….’…
Blow by blow source link: One of our most ancient traditional martial arts, angan pora, that was used in many a battle against the Portuguese and Dutch and then went…
In The Name of “Inter-Religious Harmony & Amity”- Different Yardsticks for Buddhists, Christians & Muslims-Why? By Darmitha. source link: Article 9 of The Constitution of The Democratic Republic of Sri…
Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara Buddhist Vihara Victoria Inc (ABN: 35 437 197 725) Home New & Cool Events Donations Teachings Ven. Pannasiha Ven. Soma Temple Sunday School Youth FAQ Contact Us…
WHO IS A BUDDHIST? – NON-PERCEPTION OF SELF-DECEPTION © Godwin Wijesinghe source link: Eight years ago, after I accepted the Teaching of the Buddha, I would have preferred to not…
ACSLU Essays on Unethical Conversion Repression of Buddhism in Sri Lanka by the Portuguese (1505 – 1658) By Senaka Weeraratna (June 12, 2005) This essay is based on research and…
BuddhaSasana Home Page English Section What Buddhists Believe Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera Table of Contents Foreword Author’s NotePART I LIFE AND MESSAGE OF THE BUDDHA Chapter 1. Life…
Buddhist Answers The Buddha, His Identity, Purpose and Teachings “Open to all are the doors to the Deathless. Let those who will hear respond with faith. … An unsurpassed teacher…
Scientific Errors on Creation source link Genesis Chapter 1: Light was created on the first day (Verse # 3-5) 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was…
Kill the males and rape the virgins!: source link: “When you march up to attack a city, first offer it terms of peace. If it agrees to your terms of…
Those who think it was only Muslims who committed atrocities in the past, the following is a list for them to review: source link: 1. Crusaders raped and murdered millions…
A hypocritical message from a very anti-Islamic Christian missionary hate site: source link: My fervent prayer is for the coalition forces in Iraq and the innocent Iraqi men, women and…
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