Burmese Theravada Buddhism

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{short description of image} Nibbana.com Theravada BuddhismNibbana {short description of image} 

Presenting THERAVADA BUDDHISM in its Pristine Form

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About twenty six centuries ago, a human being became fully-enlightened in this world. For forty five years he preached the doctrine of Nibbana, the ultimate liberation for all beings, offering a peaceful way of life based on generosity, morality and wisdom. He was then known as Gotama Buddha and his philosophy spread to neighbouring countries. His Teachings are still studied and followed by more than 380 million people worldwide. His Original Teaching, known as Theravada Buddhism, is practised by 46 million Myanmar(Burmese) people, and is presented here for the benefit of all citizens of the World, regardless of age, race and Faiths.
In Noble Footsteps: Working Where the Buddha Walked from Guna Foundation on Vimeo.
Sponsor the Sixth International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony,
from 2nd to 12th December 2010, Budhgaya, India

Sponsored by the Light of Buddha Dharma Foundation International
Search 1 Guestbook for You to Read 1 2 Guestbook for You to Sign search 2
Section A
New Additions
Section B
Theravada 1
Section C
Theravada 2
Section D
Buddhism in Myanmar
Section E
Section F
International Authors
Section G
External Links
Section A: New Addition
Multi-Author Paticcasamuppada April 2010
Venerable U Pannobhasa Guest Talk by Sayadaw U Pannobhasa of Tisarana Vihara at the Kathina Ceremony of London Mogok Yeiktha 24th October 2009
Sayadaw U Jotika “I have no home”. the Talk given in Bangkok on 25th March 2009 (in English)(MP3) for download 30 May 2009
Photos Religious Ceremonies by Myanmars – Worldwide Regular Updates
Buma Treasures Video Talks Dhamma Talk Videos in Myanmar language, mostly from London Mogok Meditation Centre Regular Weekly Talks
Basic Buddhism Course-23 Lecture No. 13, Abhidhamma: Salient Features ; Author: Ven. Dhammasami, MA, DPhil., Dhammacariya , Oxford Buddha Vihara, Oxford, UK. 26th March 2011
Buddhism News
Weekly Buddhism News and Review Every Saturday
Chronicle of Buddha Gotama
(Mingun Sayadaw)
Mara’s concession of defeat. 02 December 2009
( Daw Mya Tin)
Verse 53 IV (8) The Story of Visakha 5th July 2009
Dhamma Padetha: Vol 2
(Sayadaw U Kundalabhivamsa)
The Four Good Qualities to Obtain (By Ashin Kundalabhivamsa) 24th July 2009
(Myanmar Pitaka Association)
Sabbasava Sutta – Discourse on All Asavas 12th December 2009
Triplegem Discussion Postings on Various Buddhism Topics (TripleGem Membership required) Daily
Section B: Theravada 1
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Sangha (Samgha)
The Way to Nibbana
Tipitaka: Pali Canon
Cyber Vihara for Puja
Young Buddhists’ Page
26 Centuries of Buddhism
How to Become a Real Buddhist
Dhamma Journal
Devas & Brahmas
Numerical Dhammas
Question and Answer
Buddhism Discussion Group
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Section C: Theravada 2
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Jataka Birth-Stories
The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
The Eight Glorious Victories
Maha Paritta Pali of Protection
Illustrated History of Buddhism
Pali Glossary
FAQs on Buddhism
Dhammaduta Missionary Tours
Photos (Ceremonies/Events)
Short Communications
Test Your Knowledge (Quiz)
Some Basic Buddhism Concepts
Buddhism Course for Beginners
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Section D:
Buddhism in Myanmar (Burma)
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Shwedagon Pagoda
2011 Uposatha Days
Buddhist Monuments
Buddhism in Myanmar
Myanmar Pilgrimage Photos
Meditation Centres in Myanmar
Video Records of Talks & Others
Journal of Burma Research Society
Monasteries Abroad
Buddhist Universities
Myanmar Missionary Monks
Myat Yadanar Magazine (Myanmar)
Myanmar Buddhism Publications
Burmese Buddhist Activities Worldwide
Selected Articles (External Sites)
Poet’s Corner
Myanmar Buddhism Links
Other Buddhist Links
Popular Monks’ Names
Daw Nya Na Sar Yi Nunnery
Mya Waddy Nunnery, Mandalay
Nunneries Abroad and in Myanmar
Visiting Myanmar on Meditation VISA
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Section E: Miscellaneous
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Become Donors to Charities
What the Readers Say!
Danaat no Cost to You
Requests for Donations
Dana Srilanka
Great Quotations
Thanks for Setting up Links
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Section F: International Authors
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Titles by Sanghas (A-H) Titles by Sanghas (I-Z) & Nuns Titles by Lay Authors 

Pali Language CONTENTS Section of Some Books

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Section G: External Links
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What is ‘Triple Gem’? Qualities of the Triple Gem Tisarana – the Three Refuges

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BUDDHAAttributes of the Buddha
Publications on the Buddha
The Chronicle of Buddha Gotama
Photo Images of Pagodas
Map of India in Buddha’s Time
Buddhist Pilgrimage
What People Said about the Buddha 


What is Theravada Buddhism?
Frequently Asked Questions
‘External’ Articles with Reference to Buddhism in Myanmar (Burma)
Some External Websites

DHAMMAAttributes of the Dhamma
Tipitaka Sutta
Abhidhamma Vinaya
Non-Pali Canon Texts
Publications on the Dhamma
A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms
MEDITATION 2Benefits of Meditation
Meditation Methods
Meditation Centres
Meditation Teachers
Meditation Experience
SANGHAAttributes of the Sangha
Publications on the Sangha
Photos of Monks & Nuns
Distinguished Teachers
Viharas & Temples 

MEDITATION 2Publications by Sangha Authors
Publications by Lay Authors
Meditation Psychology
Visiting Myanmar on Meditation VISA

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{short description of image} Online Buddhism Shops
(added on 26-12-08)
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Titles from Books Sellers 

Books by Myanmar Sayadaws and Lay Authors

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Commercial Exploitation of the Buddha Statues and Images
Please sign special Petition:Please Do Not Desecrate the Buddha’s Images Petition Signatories

Basic Pali Glossary
Tipitaka Online Regular despatch of Suttas as translated by Myanmar Scholars
Triplegem Group Exchange, communication and discussion on on the Buddha’s Teachings (Yahoo)
Dhammapada Online Regular despatch of Dhammapada Verses and stories as translated by Myanmar Scholars
Nibbana.com This Site on Theravada Buddhism as practised in Myanmar (Burma)
SanghaOnline Monks on the Panel will give answers to the questions asked by the members
Buddhism News & Review Latest Buddhism News
Buddha Gotama Regular despatch to members of the articles about Gotama Buddha
Nibbana Mailing List Regular updates and addition to Nibbana.com are sent to those on mailing list
Nibbana Dhamma Dhamma Talks in Burmese (Myanmar)
Basic Buddhism Course Twenty six weekly lectures on Basic Buddhism for beginners.(new)
BuddhistNet Information of Buddhist establishments in the UK
Triplegem.Net External links to Theravada Buddhist sites
Mogok Vipassana Centre The first Vipassana Centre outside Myanmar
in the Tradition of the late Mogok Sayadawgyi U Vimala
Message from the WebMaster 

This Buddhism web site is managed by a retired Myanmar doctor, living in London. The aim is to make available to all international readers the vast treasures of Theravada Buddhist Teaching as understood, practised and taught by the continuous lines of eminent Sayadaws and lay teachers from Myanmar (Burma).
Theravada Buddhism is also practised in other countries and you are welcome to visit the Theravada Resources around the World which provides links to numerous Online Theravada Resources from all around the world.

Nibbana.com endeavours to provide useful Buddhist information in good faith. Neither Nibbana.com or any of it’s contributors are responsible for any problem that might be caused as a result of reading any of the web pages. Responsibility remains with the reader concerned.
Unless otherwise stated, the following statement applies to documents found on this site, excluding EXTERNAL LINKS.
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Restricted UseVisitors to this website must not distribute or publish any of the material taken from this website without the formal permission of the Authors or the Webmaster who can be contacted by emailing mmlwin @ triplegem.plus.com
Users are welcome to link to this site and its pages.
If you wish to publish or republish articles or books on Myanmar Theravada Buddhism (of your own writings or of others) please contact me. If you are not the author, please make sure you have obtained the permission of the authors or publishers.
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New Additions
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Theravada 1
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Theravada 2
Section D
Buddhism in Myanmar
Section E
Section F
International Authors
Section G
External Links
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One thought on “Burmese Theravada Buddhism

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