This illegally constituted, unconstitutional, unethical and unpatriotic Government should immediately drop its diabolical conspiracy to replace the present Constitution with a Federal Constitution

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara. President Udarata Urumaya Surekiime Jatika Sanvidhanaya


This illegally constituted, unconstitutional, unethical and unpatriotic Government should immediately drop its diabolical conspiracy to replace the present Constitution with a Federal Constitution


GO HOME in the alternative,

Without betraying the Sinhala Nation and their Motherland that was jealously and valiantly defended against all enemies and invasions and protected by our ancestors (and not by any Tamil or Muslim intruder who are asking for autonomous EElams and Kalisthans) ) for more than 2500 years with their sweat, blood and lives

The following map shows how Sri Lanka will look like tomorrow, if we allow the proposed new constitution of this government to see the light of the day. Therefore, and further more, for the reasons given below in this note, the whole nation should ask the government in one voice, to drop all  moves to constitution making at this hour, rather than making alternative proposals or piecemeal amendments to the proposals of the Six subcommittees that are  all promoting the Governments attempt to devolve all powers including political, land, administrative,police and judicial to subunits on a provincial basis to appeace the Tamils, Muslims and their so-called intenational friends in the West and India and the so-called Tamil Diaspora ( most of whom are either Indian citizens living in other countries (NRI) and PIO and Tamils from Sri Lanka who have migrated to other countries in search of green pastures and become their citizens, none of whome has any legal, moral or ethical right to  talk about or interfear with the affairs of this country, other than their dream of setting up an EElam in sri Lanka.

Sinhale Of Tomorrow


This is exactly what the vicious Ranil-Chandrika-Sirisena so-called Govt” is planning to do to this country through the new Constitution

Are we going to allow this catastrophy to happen before our own eyes. This is the million dollar question I place before You All ?the Mahanaayka Theras and the Sangha fraternity –the guardian Gods of the nation-the politicians. Interlectuals and all others who matter both big and small. To you all Patrriotic Sons and Dauhgters of Sinhale, who have a Sinhala heart and a wee bit of love for your Mother Land, I plead to oppose this move to the hilt unti this government gives up this vicious conspiracy against our motherland.

We all know the present Government is an illegally constituted, unconstitutional, un-ethical and classic political jumble unheard and unseen anywhere in the world in known history. Nor has it got a popular mandate to enact a new constitution either. People also have not asked for a new constitution. Therefore it has no legitimate authority to make a new Constitution  for the Republic.

The general view of the people in the country about this Government is appalling and it has been aptly described by Sarath de Alwis writing to Colombo Telegraph of Wednesday, 14 December as a government beyond retrieval, recovery and redemption. So, don’t you think that it is high time that we throw it out in to infinity jn the outer space ASAP, rather than allowing a gang of rouges and defeated candidates bribed and bought over, to make a Constitution to sit on the future destiny of this nation?

Regarding the new Constitution, let us all stop beating about the bush. We should adopt a more pragmatic and direct approach to defeat this conspiracy of constitution making by this bunch of traitors. We need to hit directly on the head and it should be done today itself. Not tomorrow, lest these present day treacherous politicians sign the death warrant of a Great Nation and a civilization–That was Sinahale- The Pride and the envy of the ancient and medieval World.

I give below few suggestions for the benefit of all Sinhala patriots who could help to mobilize the whole nation to win this battle.

First, Demand the Joint Opposition to withdraw immediately from the Constitution Council and stop supporting any move to draw a new constitution, as the present Parliament has never got a popular mandate to do so. This I deem to be the turning point in mobilizing the masses against this deadly noose that is called the new constitution.

Reg the Constitution there are only three amendments they can move, They are,

1) To reduce the Cabinet to Thirty (3O) in terms of election promises (Instead now they have 112as at today)

2) To remove some excessive powers of the President and re such as Presidential immunity and his Executive powers

3) Electoral reforms to abolish the PR system. That is all and nothing more.

Additionally since they have talked so much about ‘Good Governance” before the election

We must compel the Ranil- Sirisena Government, of course if they are sincere about what they meant by Good Governance and further to make it a reality,


1 Sack all those defeated candidates appointed through the National list

2 Revert all those who were high jacked from the Joint Opposition back to JO

3 Ask Ranil to resign and show Parliament that he has the majority to form a Government

4 Abolish the PR system and reintroduce first-past-post system

5 Revert to the old system of having an MP for every electorate to bring back meaning to representative democracy once again in this country and the people to have their representatives in place of the present system of being representatives of the Party Leader only responsible and answerable to the Leader of the Party at whose will they survive.

Thereafter First and foremost dissolve the 9 Provincial councils before next April

1 Abolish the 13 A and the Provincial Councils and the Provinces invented by the British as the first step to divide this country on ethnic basis in 1832.

2 Scrap the JR/Rajive Accord of 1987 that paved the first step in modern times by

1 Firstly, declaring the North and East as traditional Homeland of Tamils,

2 Secondly, providing provision for merging two or more Provinces, thereby laying the foundation for the Tamil EELAm in Sri Lanka by amalgamating the North, East and the Central Hill country and

3 Thirdly proving for the establishment of Provincial Councils, the first political conspiracy for a Federal structure paving the way for devolution of political power on an ethnic basis, again going towards the EELAM


4 Ban all political parties named after ethnicity like TNA, ITAK, and SLMs immediately

5 Take legal actions against all who violate the 6th Amendment and destroy ancient Buddhist sites in the North and Eastern Provinces.

6 Resettle all Sinhala and Muslim people who were chased out from the North and East by the LTTE from 1983 onwards

7 Make prior approval of Parliament compulsory for all Ministry advisers, top Govt posts like the Governor CB, Ministry Secretaries, Diplomatic appointments etc so that we can avoid appointing unsuitable persons with controversial records like Arjun Mahendrana and R Paskaralingam to such high positions

If this Government is not prepared to concede to these national demands the President should immediately dissolve his illegally constituted, unconstitutional, illegal and unethical Government which has been very aptly described as a government beyond retrieval, recovery and redemption by Sarath de Alwis writing to Colombo Telegraph recently.

8 Restore capital punishment immediately, to all those found guilty of crimes prescribed by law and all Drug offences, rape, Child abuse and theft and misuse of State property.

Mr President this is the only way for you to prove your honesty, integrity, patriotism and your leadership to the people who have voted you on Jan 8th 2015. Hope good counsel will prevail for you to make this a golden opportunity to absolve all black marks you have collected since you became the President, without been trapped in the illusion of your obligation, responsibility and duty to solve the problems of Tamils and Muslims on the ground that 90 % of them have voted you at the election as you have publicly declared many a time. I wish wisdom will dawn upon you to mark your niche in Mahawansa. Whether you decide to go down as traitor or hero in the annals of history in this country is entirely your choice.

If the President is not prepared to listen to this call and keep deaf, dumb and blind like a puppet and allow Ranil the vicious despot and Chandrika the destroyer of Bandaranaike policies to ruin this 2500 year old Sinhala Buddhist civilization on this golden Island, thrice blessed by the Buddha and Devas and glorified by Kings like Dutugeminu, Parakramabahu and Wijayabahu and be a party to wipe out it from the surface of this planet, then he should renounce this position as President immediately as he has already miserably failed to restore good governance as promised to the people of this country. We only wish that you don’t end up as an ugly cat’s paw of the above agents of the Mara.

Ever since you came to power all three of you have been talking only of minority grievances and nothing about the Majority Sinhala problems, there by betraying 75 % of the total population of this country. This Government should realize that it is catering to the needs of 25 % 0f the minority population only betraying 75 % of the population, when it talks about reconciliation including a Federal system of Government just because all the Tamils and Muslims  who are fighting for autonomy have voted for them.

All public pronouncements by both, the PM and the President explicitly point towards their commitment in solving minority grievances and their aspirations only. They don’t speak a word about the plight of the Sinhalese, (75%) who are the real Bhumiputras of this Island, the architects of the civilization in this country. This applies more particularly to the Kandyan Peasants who had lost nearly 1.3 million acres of their ancestral lands to the plantation Raj on the central Hills and who had died in hundreds of thousands to defend the motherland against three colonial invaders Portuguese (1505-1656), Dutch (1657-1796 ) and British 1797-1948) in order to preserve it for their posterity.

The last Government abolished the only looker warm and teeth less Kandyan Peasantry Dept and Authority on 1st Jan 2014 and finally put even the Kandyan Peasantry Commission Report of 1951 to the dust bin.  What is worst and adding injury to insult, the present government having  won all the Kandyan areas has ignored all our requests made on behalf of them to restore  the rehabilitation Authority and restart the rehabilitation programe, has now set up  three separate Ministries to develop housing and infrastructure facilities including social and economic development for estate Tamils both with government funds and foreign assistance just to get their vote, thereby shamelessly betraying their own people, a crime no people in any other country have done in this world.

Public requests made to President

  1. to close down the separate Ministry for up country Tamil Village development, presently headed by Minister Sidambaran, a sworn RAW agent (this is the stepping stone to Malayanadu right at the center of the Island) as dreamt by the British to destroy the Sinhala nation and its priceless Sinhala Buddhist civilization.
  2. to first set up a separate Ministry for the rehabilitation of Kandyan Sinhala Peasants  before giving preferential treatment to Indian estate Tamils  who had been imported to work on British owned Plantation  in the late 19th century only, only a few of whom have legitimately become citizens of this country under the India and Pakistani Citizenship Act 1949
  3. Regularize the citizenship problem under the 1954 Nehru- Kotyalawala Accord by rectifying all irregularities in citizenship granted for political expediencies to get their vote
  4. Ban all settlements and plantations in all lands above 5000 feet and start Mixed village expansion settlement (for landless Kandyan Peasants and estate Tamils who qualify for Sri Lanka citizenship under the 1954 Agreement) in marginal tea estate below 5000, as the central Hill country has to be protected as the nations critical watershed, being the geographical Heartland of the Island that decides the entire life system and civilization on this Island..
  5. This request made by me from the President on behalf of Udarata Sinhala Urumaya Surekiime Sanvidhanaya on 20,12 2015 is yet to be acknowledged. The request made along with for an appointment to discuss this all important national problem too still remains unanswered.

Needless to say, all this clearly shows the indifferent attitude the President and this Government shows for the Sinhala majority of this country.

Meanwhile Ranil Wikramasinha and Minister Kiriella have already given outright grants to many estate Tamil labour just before the last general elections which benefitted them heavily at the August polls.

Latest it was reported in Daily News of 26th November (p1) as stated by Digambaran, that another Cabinet Paper has already been approved to give tea lands on upcountry estates to these Indian Tamil labourers on the basis of Out growing and Out sourcing Models”.

Under the Out growing model the company helps the worker manage the land but gives the autonomy to decide to the recipient to as to how much he would produce per day

Under the Out sourcing Model they propose to completely hand over a plot fr land to the estate worker to manage and then supply tea to the company

Both these methods amount to granting full power to the worker to manage the land and lay the foundation for a legal claim for outright ownership of the land.

Though the extent was not mentioned therein, it is reliably understood that the acreage agreed is 20 acres per labour family. Subsequently they will claim them on outright grant system. Now one can just imagine how the entire Hill country will be distributed to Indian labour in the days to come by our treacherous politicians just to get their votes. What will be the plight of the Kandyan Peasants-the legitimate owners of this land and ultimately what will happen to the Hill country – the prime watershed and the geographical heartland of this island Nation, as the future Malaynadu with a bunch of teaming millions of anti Sinhala, anti Buddhist and anti Sri Lankan south Indian Tamils will finally own it?