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Dr. Sudath Gunasekara 12.10.2011.
In this article I am referring particularly to those Tamil politicians who are engaged in this dirty work. But broadly it applies to all Sri Lankan politicians who cut off their noses to spite their own faces whether they are Tamil, Muslim, Sinhalese or otherwise.
I give some of the latest news items that appeared in the press highlighting the latest diabolical conspiracies of few bankrupt communal Tamil politicians.
1 “Tamil Political leaders call for an early solution Sunday Leader 11.10,2011. Sinhalese moving in to Tamil areas India told, South Asia 11.10, 2011″.
2 TNA ready for a discussion with the US.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 – 07:01 PM
3 Involvement of Mauritius legal firm in the case against Shavendra Silva was initiated by TNA Trans current 9.10.2011.
4TNPF says, No bartering of war-crimes accountability for political concessions P. Sivakumaran
(October 24, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Tamil National Peoples Front (TNPF), a post-war Tamil political formation in the island of Sri Lanka, in a press conference held at a Colombo residence, congratulated TNA leadership on the forthcoming visit to the USA, and said that the visit is a significant historic first where the US-State Department has extended invitation to a non-State Tamil political party, adding that the visit has potential for improving the political status of the Tamil people who have suffered within a majoritarian democracy for several decades. While pointing out that the TNA is carrying a tremendous burden on its shoulders to articulate clearly the aspirations of Tamils, TNPF cautioned that TNA, under no circumstance, should barter away Sri Lanka’s accountability for war crimes for “ƒ”¹…”political concessions.’
Equivalent to Minister of External Affairs, the Secretary of State in the US customarily invites only State parties for policy exchanges and discussions, said Gajendrakumar Ponnampalam, Vice President of TNPF and convener of its Foreign Relations Committee. He further said, “What TNA does in this trip is of tremendous importance to the political future of the Tamil people,”
TNA should insist that the US takes the lead in recognizing Lankan Tamils as a distinct nation having the national right to self-determination.
International Community at present has been focusing on war crimes. TNPF’s view is that Sri Lanka not only committed war crimes during the final phases of war, but also carried out systematic structural genocide for the last sixty years on the Tamil people. The genocide has continued unabatedly even two years after the war has ended.
Tamil National Peoples Front is a post-war political formation founded by a section of former TNA parliamentarians and many civil society groups, who differed with the TNA over its hesitation to spell out the sovereignty of the nation of Lankan Tamils after the genocidal war.
S. Kajendren, the General Secretary of TNPF, Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, vice president, V. Mannivannan, leader of the Youth wing and a co-vice president, and K. Dharmarajah, treasurer, participated the TNPF meeting.
 The above quotations are only four of the latest denigratory and dangerous steps taken by the Tamil communal traitors against mother Lanka. By whatever name they appear all have one common denominator. That is they all are Tamils of EELAM. None of them are true sons of mother Lanka.  They are all dreaming to Tail Rajas of EELAM comprisingSri LankaandIndia. They are also Tigers asking for accepting them as a Separate Nation and they all are anti Sinhala and Buddhist and therefore anti Sri Lankan. They have not yet given up the so-called Timpu demands of the LTTE.
 The first of the news item quoted above implies that there are separate and distinct Tamil areas in this country andIndiashould first accept that position and then forceSri Lankato secede those parts to Tamils only. The second, the Tamil politicians believe thatUSAshould also forceSri Lankato recognize that there are separate Tamil areas and a distinct Tami nation within this country and pressurizeSri Lankato yield. The third clearly shows to what extend the TNA is anti Sri Lankan, anti Sinhala and communal minded and to what extent they have spread their EELAM net all over the world and also what enormous resources they command in spite of the demise of the LTTE top rung within this country. The fourth is still more explicit and more dangerous when you look at the content of their press release. It also clearly demonstrates that they all are hardcore Tigers although they have left the TNA temporally due to internal power struggles. Their intentions could have been highlighted no better than when they said “TNA should insist that theUStakes the lead in recognizing Lankan Tamils as a distinct nation having the national right to self-determination.” The irony is none of these Tamil politicians either here or in South India ask USA or the so-called International Community to accept Tamilnadu with 72 million Tamils and twice the size of whole of Sri Lanka and 15 times the area of the Northern Province to be accepted and declared as the EELAM the traditional Homeland of the Tamils the world over without fighting for 1/3 of Sri Lanka to accommodate about .5 m Tamils who have migrated to this country of the Sinhalese over time. This is because they all know thatIndiawill never allow such a thing to happen. The Indian Government, unlike our politicians here, has banned all such movements long ago and prohibited even to talk on such matters.
 If their claim does not mean a separate Tamilnadu or EELAM within Sri Lankna then what does it mean? Look at the audacity they have to have a press conference in the heart ofColombo, living among the Sinhalese and thriving on the very Sinhalas whom they hate so much.
 Fortunately the Muslims up to date have not openly canvassed against the country in Arab countries or any other place, though they also have equally, if not more destructive and dangerous programmes to make this Island nation another Indonesia or Maldives which will continue as long as men like Rauf Hakeem and ilk continue to be in politics in this country.
Everyone knows the fact that Sri Lanka Tamil politicians run toIndiaeven for a piss. But now it is obvious that they have extended it even beyond the Indian shores in desperation. What is worse is this time they are going on an invitation of Roberto Blake “”…”a sworn enemy of our country. They are also planning to meet that frustrated American woman Bill Clinton and all anti Sinhala sections including the Canadian leaders who harp on Tamil votes and LTTE blood money. It is surprising that even Anandasangaree a former critic of the LTTE has now joined the bandwagon of TNA communal politicians who are struggling for nothing but political survival in the backdrop of growing pro-government attitude of the ordinary Tamils in the north and the east in the post LTTE development that is being implemented in those regions.
Shouldn’t these moves by the rabid communal elements be taken very seriously by all concerned Sri Lankans before it deteriorates any further and once again flare up communal riots? Meanwhile I read that the government is going to protest to theUSgovernment againstClintonmeeting the TNA delegates. It is good at least to protest. But will theUStake it seriously is the problem. So far what theUSand the West have been doing is betray the legitimate Sri Lankan government who is also a member of the UN by supporting an illegitimate  terrorist outfit and its proxies, the communal Tamils who ask for separation. Instead why can’t the government ban all communal political parties and charge this bunch of communal politicians for treason under our law and put an end to this menace? It reminds me how Amirtalingam went round the world denigrating this country and finally what happened. His own beloved “ƒ”¹…”Boys’ whom the TULF fathered and nurtured, murdered him brutally. The same thing will happen to these traitors as well. But this time it will be by the ordinary Tamils who have been suppressed and betrayed by these hypocritical Tamil politicians.
I call upon all patriotic people to take some positive action immediately. If the government is not initiating some action to stop these dangerous moves, that should have been done long time ago.  Such far reaching measures should have been taken immediately afterIndependence. As it is people should take the lead and be prepared even to take to the streets before everything goes completely out of control.
 At what stage of history in thisIslandnation there were Tamil territories? How long are they going to saw these seeds of communal hatred that will bring no good for them or any other? These rabid Tamil politicians are the very people who flare up communal hatred and like the proverbial Hanuma who set the country ablaze. Everyone knows that throughout history it was the Tamil politicians, starting from 1921, who have been responsible for espousing communal politics in this country. The ancestors of the present day Tamil politicians were the very people who built up the Tigers as their boys. They all had to pay for it with their lives.  All those Tamil politicians who now cry genocide and colonization of so-called Tamil areas were hiding under grass like leeches when their Boys were massacring all moderate Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese in thousands. Have they ever uttered a single word against those atrocities either at home or abroad who brought destruction to Tamils than anyone else? This scum of the earth is a bloody shame to this nation.  How can they talk of a Tamil nation and a Tamil country/state in this land of the Sinhalese when they don’t have such a nation or state even inIndiawhere they have over 72 m Tamils. The best thing they should do if they still feel that they want such a Tamil nation and aTamilStatewhy can’t these people start it in Tamilnadu with the blessings of Jayalalitha and Karunanidi. Why can’t they not only go to Hilary Clinton but to all their benefactors and buddies all over the world and ask for it to be created in Tamilnadu, the Traditional Homeland of the Tamil race and give up this craving for this land of ours as their ancestors have been doing from ancient times with disaster?
Not only communal political parties but also even words like Tamil areas. Muslim areas and all such terms which arouse communal or religious hatred that leads up to escalation of communal feelings should be proscribed by law, I think, if we want to have communal harmony and build up one nation. All these fellows, just like the proverbial camel, having put their heads inside the tent making use of the sympathy and good heartedness of our ancestors are now trying to rob our motherland.
All these communal elements and even those “ƒ”¹…”Singalese’ idiots who try to display their intellectual nakedness or their illegitimate births by writing to papers and making big noises now and then in support of the so-called minority rights should be clearly told that this is the Mother land of the Sinhala people from the dawn of history and it is also the land of the Buddha as it had been from the 6th century BC. Therefore no one else should try to claim ownership to even an inch of it as their country. They can speak their language; they can profess their religion and practice their culture, so long as they do not become a threat to the Sinhala nation and their culture. In short none of them should pose a danger to this country or the nation. It is high time that all those who cannot accept this stark reality pack up and go back to their Motherlands or from whence they came, without creating any more problems for us.
At least the present government should be bold enough to rectify this historical injustice inflicted upon this country and the Sinhala nation by the western imperial outfit. It is high time that it wage a second “ƒ”¹…”war’ against this as well, as it did against the LTTE. I have my reservations with regard to its present style of governance. But I also have my full confidence on its capacity to fulfill this onerous and historic task as its leadership has the will and the courage needed to do so. The whole country will be with the government on this issue if they do so. There isn’t the slightest doubt about it. This must not be mistaken for Sinhala chauvinism or Buddhist fanaticism as a cynic might call it. It is the burning aspiration of this nation that was kept suppressed firstly by the colonial rulers to further their exploitation and thereafter by our own self seeking politicians to come to power and remain in power with no regard to the future of this Nation. 

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