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Bin Laden raid book is blasted

The US military is denouncing a former Navy SEAL’s book on the ‘truth’ behind death of Osama Bin Laden


The US military is denouncing a former Navy SEAL’s book

The US military is denouncing a former Navy SEAL’s book that claims to describe the “real” version of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

“It’s just not true,” US Special Operations Command spokes­man Colonel Tim Nye said. “It’s not how it happened.”

Full with conspiracy theories and attacks on the Obama White House, Chuck Pfarrer’s ‘SEAL Target Geronimo’ cla­ims an alternative version of the raid in which the SEAL team shot Bin Laden within 90 seconds of arriving at the Pakistan compound where the Al Qaeda mastermind was holed up.

Pfarrer claims the White House issued a fictional and damaging account of the raid that made the SEALs look inept. He says President Barack Obama’s speedy acknow­ledgement of the raid was a political move that rendered much of the intelligence gathered on the raid useless.

Pfarrer’s account broke into Amazon’s top 20 book sales list last week.

“I have truth on my side,” Pfarrer said. “I spoke to the guys on the ground and in the secondary bird,” he added, referring to the chopper full of a second SEAL team that was there to rescue the first if it came under attack.

“This is a fabrication,” Nye countered, issuing an on-the-record denial on behalf of Navy SEAL Admiral Bill McRaven, who took command of all special ops this summer. Nye said McRaven was concerned the book would lead to doubts about the administration’s version of events, adding there will be no investigation into whether individual SEALs spoke to Pfarrer.

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