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Dr Sarath Obeysekera

 Sri Lanka cricket legend Kumar Sangakkara publicly grouching about the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) not answering his calls has sparked a social media storm with both helpful tips and barbs thrown at him.

IS this how aN important government agency responds .I myself had the same problem and tried to contact CEB for action during a long power failure .Few weeks back I had similar encounter with  the Water Board also .Water supply was cut off for our New Shipyard by the Kotehena water board office in the evening .Next day at 7 am over 100 workers were to report to work .They have cut the water without properly checking bill payments .We have paid all the bills as per their invoices .

I was desperate to get it connected and called the are Additional General Manager whom I personally knew ,As soon as he took the phone at 8 pm on the same day ,he was asking me why are calling me this time of the Day and he was rude and told me that I may  not have paid bills .I confirmed that we are up to date and wanted him to call Kotahena office and as them to reconnect immediately .He ignored my request and asked me to send a SMS !!!

I wonder whether he was intoxicated at that time ( later I found that he as that habit) .He knew who  I was and yet he said I cannot help

These top officers in CEB ,Water Board Telecom enjoy so many perks and spend comfortable life .They do not bother about the citizens who pay bills to maintain them

I fully endorse what Sanga did and I hope everyone can write twitter complain so that top managers in these organization heed to complains and take action.

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

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