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Dr Sudath Gunasekara


It was reported that the recently opened Indian Consular Office in Jaffna is providing forged documents to South India Tamils to migrate to northern Sri Lanka. This is a very serious threat to the security of the country that call for the immediate attention of all Sinhala people. T What hey have reported is only what they know. It could be only the tip of the iceberg.I have no doubt that the conspiracy in invading this country is being done in many different and subtle ways.. This is made easier in the present context of absolute anarchy and a Government doing everything to satisfy the Tamils, the Indian Government and the so called Tamil Diaspora the well known LTTE agents

I was surprised when the government opened two Indian Consular Offices  for this small Island of 25,000 Sq miles while there is already Assistant Commissioners office in the hill capital-Kandy that was opened long time ago to cater to needs of Estate Indian Labour  going to India to deposit their earnings and also those getting repatriated as Indian Citizens when the India and Pakistan citizenship Act was in operation. Now since the UNP Government of JR gave Sri Lankan Citizenship violating all existing laws  regarding grant of citizenship I personally don’t think there is a need even for this to continue in Kandy unless they want to firstly show their importance of being present here and also to carry out their subversive activities among the estate Tamils against the Sri Lankan Government. Under this situation I cannot  understand as to why these foolish Governments ,past as well as present agreed to open two more Consular Offices, one in Hambantota and another in Jaffna knowing the subversive agenda of the Indian Government and danger of giving the sword to the monkey. If these foolish politician knew the intentions of modern India and their past history they will never dream of putting more Indian serpents under their loin cloth.

All patriotic people must make a public cry for their closure

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