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(Inheritance of Great Ravana.)

The beginning of a Ray is the sun. From there it travels as far as space. It is a discovery of Science that the radiation of the sun creates matter.
So ?
The sun’s radiation is a spectrum of frequencies and that is Science. Each ray extends from one common central point (the Sun) to around the central point. In the case of radiation propagation, each radiation frequency produces the respective matter related to each frequency. A planet is a collection of that type of matter produced by such radiation frequencies. That is, a planet is a collection of matter produced by a certain frequency series. In other words, a collection of quantum produced by a particular set of frequencies is a planetary world. Moreover, all objects on the planet must be derivatives of the same frequencies that created the planet.
People think that weight is because of matter. Therefore, their opinion is that when matter increases, weight increases. Their general opinion is that when weight is reduced, it floats and when weight is increased, it sinks. If it is a truth, it is this Earth that should sink first. The reason is that it is a HUGE collection of matter. Is the Earth sinking in space? This proves that Weight does not happen according to matter. If so, sinking or floating is due to a cause other than the matter. Except matter is energy. Then it is energy, not matter, that determines whether to sink or float.
What ?
How does energy determine sinking or floating ?
How does it happen ?
A planet does not sink in space. A planet floats like a balloon in space because the planet is a derivative of solar energy frequencies.
Matter or quantum is the inactive form of energy. This is shown by Science as well as Philosophy, Abhidarma. Energy is the active part. Once the active energy is coagulated, it enters an inactive phase. Inert lumps of active energy then become matter.
There is a Great Deal of Physics here.
If a planet (A matter collection) made by certain frequency series causes the planet (matter) to float in space without going down or up, then this floating ability should b an ability of those frequencies. if the objects within that planet are products of the same frequency range, then they also remain stable without going down or up because of the same reason.
Let’s make the following assumption to explain this!
Suppose that the earth is made up of the correspondingly produced matter due to the successive existence of a series of 10 frequencies A B C D E F G H I J. Let us assume that such a collection of matter is floating in space. Then the floating earth is a collection of matter formed according to the order A B C D E F G H I J frequency. The existence of all the objects within the earth is stable is also because of the matter ranked as above. Good ! Suppose we change the frequency series to A C B D ….. Then the correspondingly generated matter damages the previous stability. In this way, a slight change in the standard stable frequency range affects the stability of the correspondingly generated matter.
If a certain frequency produces a certain matter, that matter remains stable under that frequency, but that matter is not stable at any other frequency. e.g.; If matter A is a formation of frequency A then matter A is stable only in the frequency range A. Matter A is not stable in the B frequency range. If matter A approaches frequency B, it is unstable. It is inevitable that matter breaks then.
That is, a stable body means a correct order of frequencies.
It is this above method is given by Science to describe how a body is made and massive details of it are in Nikola Tesla pages. It is this method is also mentioned in Abidharma. It is mentioned there as formation of  “Rituja Rupakalapa” or how particles are made by solar frequencies. But Abidharma says that a human body is formed not only by this method. It states that a body is made up of matter produced in three other ways namely matter produced by mental energy, matter produced by karma energy and matter produced by food energy.
If one manufactures an object using an artificial union of matter produced by a series of frequencies similar to the series of frequencies that help keeping the planetary matter floating in space, it also remains stable and secure in space. Its security then requires no additional effort. Accordingly, the planets remain stable in space for a certain period of time and then the object can be kept safely in space in a similar period. No additional power supply is required for that.
This is the Great Ravan technique !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the Great Ravana method.

Ravana British Museum

That is, since objects are products of nature, they are all built from a range of natural frequency order. In going with that (Not against natural order) the existence of objects produced by man will last for a longer time.
According to this, it is said that King Ravana stored his weapons safely in outer space.
How long can a certain frequency be maintained as that frequency and until then the matter related to that frequency is created. Therefore, if an object is a combination of a particular set of frequencies, the object remains the same as long as that combination of frequencies remains the same. There is no breakdown or decomposition. But one day, if one of the frequency of that frequency unity changes, the object starts to change. That is, the so-called spoiling begins. It is because of this method that an object you create will decay in a short time. That is, the matter produced from frequency A followed by B C …. type of a matter collection’s stability is lost due to the deformation of a single frequency that leads to the deformation of matter order. It is the beginning of decay of the object. In short, the material percentage required for the earth to remain stable in space is a certain way and in the same way, if you produce an object using those material percentages, its stability will last for a long time without additional effort. No additional energy supply is then required for its existence.
That is, frequency stability produces material stability.
(There are many more points for this. As the article is long, it is impossible to write them all.)
e.g.; 01. An Egyptian mummy remains the same as a result of maintaining the unity of frequencies that helped create the mummy or body. The pyramid in which it is placed was designed so that only solar radiation with the required frequency would be received to the mummy. Pyramid acts as a frequency sieve. Therefore, the nature of the body is established as much as possible and it remains safely without decomposition.
This is the technique of Maha Ravana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One can build some argument that someone made some herbals to the body and preserved that body. Matter is the abode of energy. What is done by applying matter is to give the relevant frequency to the body. What happens is that the body’s frequency is topped up through those substances. Accordingly, the physical body is helped to maintain the frequency of the body without any change.
02. You can get details about Pippali Cave in India, where the body of Maha Kasyapa Maharahat is still intact today.
03. Professor Mirando Abeysekara, who saw with his own eyes, told me before his death that the body of King Maha Ravana is still preserved in Sri Lanka.
04. It is said that the body of one of the world’s current most famous religious authors is still preserved in Goa, India.
05. The royal jewels of the old Sinhalese kings and the legacy of their kingship are still preserved in Sri Lanka. They are not corroded at all.
06. It is said that the body of Queen Somadevi, who was the queen of Sri Lanka, is also in the same state.
07. It is said that the body of a monk who was a famous Ayurveda physician is still surviving today due to a medicine applied to his body.
I ask one question!
By what miracle are these not corroded?
Are these stored in a refrigerator?

By Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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