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Ontario Centre for Policy Research 

An application was brought forward against Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for judicial review, challenging his message on Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day, issued on May 18, 2023. The primary intention of this Application is to obtain a clear legal position regarding the Tamil genocide. Canada’s top court, the Federal Court, states as follows and rejected Tamil genocide. 

[Prime Minister Trudeau’s] Statement is not a decision or an order that gives rise to a binding obligation, nor is it conduct that affects legal rights, imposes legal obligations or causes prejudicial effects. At its core, the Statement, with reference to the House of Commons motion, encourages Canadians to reflect on the conflict” in Sri Lanka in the broader context of human rights, peace, and democracy generally.”

Decision 300x95 1

The federal court also discussed the legal validity of the motion brought by MP Gary Anandasangaree. The court’s position is very clear: Trudeau’s statement and MP Anandasangaree’s motion are non-binding and have no legal impact on Canada’s official position. It means no Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka. Judge Janet M. Fuhrer issued her decision on this matter at the federal court. 

The Federal court identified incidents in Sri Lanka as a conflict” between the Tamil Terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Armed forces in Sri Lanka.

Canadian politicians continually exploit the most vulnerable Tamil communities, propagating fake Tamil genocide to obtain political advantage using highly racist campaigns to enhance their vote bank.

Due to his double-standard policies, Trudeau’s government is expected to be voted out by Canadians in the next federal election.

May 18, 2024

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