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By Jonathan Manz

The Pretender to the Throne secretly signed the IMF ‘Terms-of- Surrender’ Betraying the Country to the Yanks.

A bigger surprise was yet to come.

ALL the recognised political candidates for the forthcoming Presidential elections, have capitulated and surrendered to yankee IMF-rule.

 Is it ironic that many people when asked their opinion on the outcome of the forthcoming elections should blandly reply, “The IMF”?

A vote cast to any listed candidate is a vote for yankee-rule.

The Pretender, brandishing the same weapon placed against Sri Lanka’s head by the IMF, threatens fellow countrymen with starvation and death if they do not support the surrender to the yanks.

Premadasa’s SJW also accepts the surrender of the country to IMF rule.

Only, he has an opinion (of himself) that he has sufficient international clout to re-negotiate the terms of surrender, on his terms.

And just crossing-over to the Premadasa camp is ‘pencil-Ranawaka’ who corroborated with the yanks to officially gazette the first MCC land-grab map of Sri Lanka; Premadasa and Ranawaka have secretly signed an understanding; It would be a tough call for Premadasa to ‘tear-to shreds’ the MCC map.

 https://island.lk/sajith-says-he-objected-to-mcc-in-unp-cabinet-and-he-is-still-opposed-to-it/ ; https://www.hirunews.lk/english/244407/mcc-pact-will-be-torn-into-pieces-sajith-videohttps://www.newsfirst.lk/2019/12/21/tear-up-mcc-as-well-as-acsa-and-sofa-sajith-premadasa

Speaking to the Associated Press, AKD of the NPP, in responsive to a query, whispers sotto voce, that he and his party endorses the surrender of Sri Lanka to IMF rule: “We plan to uphold the agreement with the IMF.”


The political chessboard in the country today, is controlled completely by the yanks; who wins, who loses, whether there will be violence at election time, whether events will be manipulated to give leadership of the NPP to Amerasuriya, whether there will be foreign intervention or, whether anything can happen, that has not been planned by the yanks.

Sri Lanka is today a subjugate nation of the yanks.

A situation has developed where the 225 in the legislature are out of step with the aspirations and thinking of the people who elected them.

Yankee money is liberally flowing into the country; minds are being subverted; yankee- organisations with strong national and international affiliations, like ‘Rotaries’, have been drafted into the fray.   

A unique situation has developed; the forthcoming election has evolved into a direct contest between the yanks and the Sri Lankan people.

With the yanks monopolising the voting candidate line-up, whoever is voted for, the yanks are the winners; allegedly, the yanks have placed huge bets, in varying amounts, on the 39 candidates.

In this simulacrum of democracy, what hope is there for the people of Sri Lanka?

A unique and unanticipated situation has arisen in this imbroglio; it is now possible to tar and feather the demons of current Sri Lankan society – the yanks, corruption, and the treacherous 225 – concomitantly.

Had there been even one candidate to articulate the people’s aspirations this would not have been possible.  

A yankee lapse has provided Sri Lanka with an effective sword to fight yankee aggression.

The Party system of politics, as prevalent in the country, has eroded the sovereignty of the people; peoples’ sovereignty has been hijacked and replaced by the dictatorship of the ‘party-leader’.

It is a serious situation, where the sovereignty of the people has been eroded by a system whose bedrock is black-money, thuggery, and corruption, at party level; this evil system enables party leaders to betray their motherland with impunity.

Is it ironic that many when asked for their opinion on the outcome of the forthcoming elections blandly reply, “The IMF”

In this nascent political scenario, a new dynamic has emerged where the people can recapture their lost sovereignty, using their franchise; oxymoronically, by casting their vote to spoil their vote and thereby rejecting all the candidates on the list.

In a country, fast going down the tube as a yankee colony, the message conveyed to the world, by spoilt votes, is significant: The rejection and opposition to yankee colonialism.

It could be argued that a poll-boycott could achieve the same result; not quite; a poll-boycott would open the system to outright voter impersonation; it could also lead to political thuggery, with easy identification of those who boycotted.

The other alternative is to cast one’s vote to any one of the candidates.

What is the significance of that?

A vote to any candidate is a vote for the IMF as all the candidates are of the view that Sri Lanka should surrender to the IMF; when the dust from the elections settle, the yankee brainwashing -machine will propagandize that Sri Lanka did not object to yankee rule.   

In this near checkmate situation, a fast- growing resistance to yankee rule has mushroomed from within the womb of the motherland.

The proposal of the anti-yankee movement is lawful and constitutional; it is determined by the people at grass-root level and not by those whose feet do not touch the ground.

This strategy would dissipate the power of the Party leader.

Every Sri Lankan can be a proud member of this peaceful and lawful group; their doughtiness can be likened to the Welassa warriors of old; history will describe them as the pioneers who rid the country of the yankees and their corrupt cohorts.    

The action proposed will help build a National Will, weakened considerably by the traitorous lot presently in the fore.

Supporters of the anti-yankee movement are urging the voters to come-out in their numbers on 21 Sep 24 and exercise their dented sovereignty by deliberately SPOILING their votes including their selective preferences.

Every SPOILT VOTE is a vote against yankee IMF-rule.

The more SPOILT VOTES there are, the greater is the victory of the people. The larger the number of SPOILT VOTES, the greater is the credibility, internationally,to the people’s view point that the Pretender to the throne did not have the mandate of the people to betray the country to yankee IMF-rule.

Every SPOILT VOTE is aslap on the face of corruption and on each of the 225 members of parliament who are backing one or more of the 39 candidates visibly induced by Washington to submit to IMF rule.

This strategy is not a one-off thing and can be effectively used at other elections too, to finish-off the political careers of the treacherous and corrupt.

The yanks are leaving no stones unturned, to consolidate the capture of the Island; colossal sums of money are being spent on politicians and the contemptible packs of NGOs, to achieve their objectives; this is reflected in the innumerable cross-overs taking place and the stench emanating from the Diyawanna Lake.

Reportedly, enormous sums of black – money are being laundered and routed into the country through the dubious cloud-banking system to achieve yankee objectives at the elections; the cloud-money playing- platforms are highly exclusive and controlled by a handful of mega-corporates. 4 Companies Control 67% of the World’s Cloud Infrastructure

The MMBL, a once struggling finance company, largely owned by Milinda Moragoda, owed the Sri Lankan Central Bank over Rs.4.7 billion while remaining un- prosecuted; today, it is reported, “The MMBL-Pathfinder Group joint-venture portfolio of investments is expected to yield nearly US$ 425 million in foreign exchange to Sri Lanka in 2024, a significant increase from the US$ 250 million it earned in 2023.”

Moragoda is a major player in Sri Lanka’s surrender to the IMF.


Three landlocked countries in East Africa – Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali- richly endowed with natural resources, faced a situation that had similarities to Sri Lanka. How they tackled the yanks and their problems was dissimilar to Sri Lanka.

These former French Colonies found themselves exploited by the French and the new-kid-on- the-block, the yanks; the eyes of the exploiters were on their natural resources that included Gold and Uranium.

ECOWAS was the political and economic arm used by the French to achieve hegemony over East Africa while the yanks used the IMF.

ECOWAS was founded in 1975 and they coordinated closely with the IMF.

During a period of about fifty years, the East African countries had lost a disturbing amount of their sovereignty and their resources.

 With the IMF taking control of these States via the ECOWAS, French influence waned and the yankee influence waxed.

The IMF strategy in East Africa was primarily providing loans to the member States in exchange for their land.

The upshot of this policy was the East-African countries became increasingly impoverished and hopelessly in debt to the IMF; the yanks benefitted taking large chunks of the African land and achieving political, social, military, and legislative hegemony over the East African Nations.  

Fortunately for these three countries, they had leaders who had an inherent love for their motherland and were not overawed by the Caucasian bullies; they established an Alliance of Sahel States, breaking away from the ECOWAS. 

The Sahel States worked towards the objective of achieving financial sovereignty that included the concept of an investment bank not linked to the IMF; it was a monumental step toward dismantling the neocolonial systems of control.

The Sahel leadership opened-up dialogue with the Russians and the Chinese; the Russians have forgiven 90% -$23 billion- of their debt and gave 50,000 tons of free grain to the Sahel region.

The French and Yankee thugs fretted; they imposed sanctions on the landlocked trio and threatened them with military intervention; unperturbed, the alliance trio established a joint military union and ordered the French and the yanks, who had military bases in the country, to get out.

The yanks and the French complied

Public pressure compelled the yanks to lift the sanctions and are now crawling around to seek concessions;

The Sahel alliance is now officially a new power bloc in the region. https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/alliance-of-sahel-states-a-breakthrough-for-pan-africanism-and-decolonization/






The Pretender is highfalutin about higher needs without even presenting a paper on how he would meet the basic needs – food, shelter, clothing, health, and education – of the people.

Election day is almost on us. Sri Lankans have a duty; be a peaceful active – combatant against yankee rule and corruption by ridding the country of the 225 traitors supporting the yankee subjugators by SPOILING your vote. 

The yankee invader must understand that IMF conditions of surrender will never be honoured or implemented by the people.

Exercise your sovereign right to franchise and SPOIL your vote.

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