(Related to previous post)
Science against science!

The birth of a shape!
There are hundreds of shapes. Different shapes\forms arise because of different sides. There are several sides.
Look at this logo.
This is the logo of the most famous bank in Sri Lanka.
This logo teaches a Great Physics lesson to the world.
This letter “B” is drawn with its sides protruding. The letter “B” has got a three-dimensionality. A liveliness has been highlighted. It’s just a highlight. Adding more and more sides\facets further enhances the liveliness of a picture. Modern Science is well aware of that.
But there is something here that Modern Science has yet to discover.
That is, no matter how many sides\facets are highlighted, the picture is in a single plane. A single plane picture has no real sides. Touch it. You won’t get hold of sides. Only the single blade is grasped. That is, sides are just illusions highlighted on single-plane. There aren’t any in real. But it shows as if there are. It deceives Man.
What meets the eye is all just a single plane picture like this. There are no true sides\facets of an image. But people are deceived by showing that there are something called sides in it. People chase objects with more and more sides, thinking they can touch them.
Isn’t this a laughing matter?
Why ? Can’t we make this kind of three-dimensional letter “B” out of a same wood and touch its sides separately?
No matter what sides you make in the object, its view is only on one plane. Then the sides are all just an illusion as said before.
Touch is not side specific. It is a separate sensation. Let us suppose that the letter “B” is made three-dimensionally from the same wood. Let’s blindfold you and allow you to touch its different sides. If you touch your hand on different sides, but if it is made of the same wood, you cannot tell the side of the letter “B” you touched. No matter where you touch it, It just gives you only a touch.
Thus, it proves that the side cannot be told by touch.
See ! Sides are illusions and side cannot be determined by touch.
Sides, facets are pretending to be something that is not. A grievous deception.
That is Abhidarma.
Thank you !