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Sudath Gunasekara  Mahanuwra 20.5. 2017.

The Government allowed the TNA (living proxy of LTTE) headed by Sambandan Leader of Oppositio , Vigneswarana the CM, NPC and MK Sivajilingam ( Brother  in Law  of Prabhakaran) to commemorate alleged genocide against  LTTE Tigers a terrorist  outfit, who waged a war against the Legitimately elected Government of the Sri Lankan  State  for 30 years to establish a separate state within this country called EELAM. They are reported to have held these commemorations at Mullevaikal, Kilinochchci, Velvatiture and many other places. All were allowed often with even police protection.

Ironically on the other hand in Colombo the public rally organized by the Joint Committee  of National Organizations to be held at the Independence Square to commemorate the war heroes who fought and died in the war against the LTTE terrorists to liberate this country for posterity, to be presided over by the EX-President Mahinda Rajapaksa is reports to have been banned by the same Government while it has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the  anti -Government rallies in the North. This act of treason on the part of the yahapalanaya Government of the TRIO My3, Ranil and Chandrika is just like condemning Dutugemunu and commemorating Elara.

Does it means this Government wants the LTTE to resurrect and it supports the Tamil aspiration of separation and the formation of the EELAM in the North and East, to satisfy India and the Western colonial powers that supported it in 2015 regime change and further to wipe out the Sinhala Nation and Buddhism from this land bury the them forever?

This clearly shows the ant- Sinhala and anti- Buddhist policy of this Government. The whole nation must rise against this discrimination by this Government against the Sinhala nation and the war heroes who died in war to liberate the country from the LTTE terrorists. If we don’t arrest this extremely dangerous trend the day Ranil will sell Trincommallee harbor and the 100 oil Tanks along with the 85 acres,  sign the ECTA, allow the construction of Hanuman bridge and the Mannar –Trinco super Highway the same way he conspired to bring Modi to Dikoya hood-winking the President and got him to say  what Ranil wanted and thereby killing two birds a) getting his voter base firmly established in the plantation sector and b) Modi’s aim of keeping first, the Tamilnadu politicians happy and second his long term aspiration of establishing Malayanadu, right at the center of Sri Lanka  finally leading to making this country the newest State of the Modian Indian empire.

Are the Sinhala Buddhists in this country going to keep silent until Ranil and his horde of anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhist Colombo seven gang make their dream a reality?

Meanwhile I am asking the ordinary Tamils in the North and East  to openly question  Sambandan, Vigneswaran and Sivajilingam  as to why they did not commemorate tens of thousands of  those Tamils, including child solders forcibly recruited  and men and women  brutally murdered by the LTTE in the name of liberation  for Tamils and pushed the country’s economy by hundreds of years behind  just to satisfy their vanity and blood thirst, instead of lighting lamps to commemorate the brutal killer Prabhakaran and his criminal outfit who not only brought misery and doom to this Island Nation but also  to the Tamil community at large.

Also why don’t they get organized with other communities in the area and chase out these self- seeking mad communal politicians like Sambandan, Vignesvaran and Sivajilingam at the next elections if they truly love this country and want to have a bright future for their posterity at least, as proud citizens of this country?

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